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U.S. Economy Added 151,000 Jobs in October
Breaking News AlertThe New York TimesFri, November 05, 2010 -- 8:34 AM ET-----U.S. Economy Added 151,000 Jobs in October; Unemployment Rate Steady at 9.6%The United States economy added 151,000 jobs in October, awelcome change after four months of job losses but still notenough to make a significant dent in unemployment, whichremained at 9.6 percent.Private companies have been slowly expanding their payrollsthroughout 2010, according to a Labor Department reportreleased Friday. This private job growth had been overwhelmedby the elimination of temporary decennial Census jobs andstate and local government jobs during the summer and earlyfall, until October.The report also offered revised figures for August andSeptember that showed substantially lower job losses forthose months than previously reported.Read More: 2010 The New York Times Company