7 Tips To Ensure The Workplace Is Free From Hazards

7 Tips To Ensure The Workplace Is Free From Hazards

Good Health and Safety in the Workplace is easy to achieve with these 7 easy tips to help keep your workers safe. By following the steps shown, you will ensure that all staff are both aware of their responsibilities and that you have done your utmost to give them protection from hazards.

1) Responsibility. Remind your staff that they are responsible for their Health & Safety. Their actions have an effect on themselves and others and it is useful to remind everyone from time to time. As Business Owner you are also responsible so make sure you are leading by example.

2) Tidiness. It is so simple but lots of business owners don't keep their workplace tidy – workers need to their area clean and tidy. Sometimes this is difficult of course if a process is messy but enough time should be given to clean up and treated as important and not allowed to be missed. By simply tidying up this can prevent needless accidents taking place eg slips, trips and falls that account for 30% of workplace accidents

3) Train staff. Reminding staff how to act safely is key in keeping your business safe. The law states that you need to train staff and yet most business owners don't. There are plenty of online training applications that can be used that are both cost & time effective. These will help you demonstrate you have complied with the law and encourage a safer working environment.

4) Report ALL accidents, including those that nearly happened. Although this needs to be managed so it doesn't become too onerous, knowing what accidents are happening can give you valuable information on what you need to fix. A good way to encourage more reporting is to focus on reporting accidents for one month and see what the results are.

5) Involve staff. Like any management activity, not involving staff can leave them feeling left out and not engaged. Involve staff with Health & Safety in the workplace and by having more input they should feel they are being listened too and the appropriate actions taken. As a Business Owner you will also need to co-operate and explain how and why decisions were taken eg not to replace a new machine but additional safety controls put in place and more training due to the expense involved.

6) Prepare for the worst. As a business owner you need to assume the worst will happen and staff or customers will need emergency treatment or the action to take if a fire takes place. If you can prepare beforehand it makes it less likely to be such a problem if it does take place in real life.

7) Find out about Risk Assessments. They are a key tool in helping manage Health and Safety in the Workplace as they show you have thought about risks and put control measures in place. Not only is it a legal requirement, it will help reduce accidents. Risk Assessments should be simple, straightforward and easy to understand – especially by the staff who are involved and they need to be included in the process.

Although these seem very simple and easy to follow, many companies do not do some, or in a few cases any, of them leaving them open to possible legal and criminal prosecution in the event of a serious accident. So always ensure that your company does not fall into this possible situation by taking some time out and following the seven tips above.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7310830

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