10 Success Quotes That Will Pump You Up!
So you want to be successful? That's a great idea, but you'll need to stay motivated. That's where success quotes come in handy. You can review these words from people who have experience what you have and find proper motivation to keep moving on the road to success. If you enjoy these quotes, please feel free to share them with others!
Steve Carell has garnered enormous success in his career. With this quote he mentions that he isn't sure how he achieved it all. Sometimes focusing too much on the end result can get in the way of accomplishment. Carell focused on cultivating his comedic skills and the results were phenomenal. The same holds true for everyone. If you can keep the emphasis on getting betting at what you do chances are very good that the rewards will fall in line. That could be healthier than constantly wondering why you don't have more success.
Winston Churchill lead England through one if its roughest periods. He did so by reminding people that they were strong. He helped to increase the strength of entire nation by reminding them of their core spirit. And he's right about this one. Success is never guaranteed and failure can be overcome. Try not to dwell on what could be temporary conditions. It will only give them more life than they need. Remind yourself that you have the courage to overcome any current and future obstacles.
Abe Lincoln was not the most likely candidate to become one of the best Presidents of all time. But that's exactly what he accomplished. He remained resolute in the face of awesome resistance. Despite his humble beginnings he was able to make the world change. That is one of the ultimate forms of success.
Benjamin Disraeli speaks in this quote about a strange occurrence of opportunity. You never know when a great opportunity is going to appear but you have to stay ready to seize it! At all times it pays to maintain an upbeat attitude, figuring that something great is about to happen. That way you'll be ready to pounce on opportunities! You may be surprised to learn that opportunities are literally everywhere. Keep your eyes open and be receptive and you'll get more than your fair share.
Eminem has achieved levels of success that he probably thought were impossible. In this quote he touches on the importance of focus. He has focused on rapping for decades now and has clawed his way to the top of the game. It may take a single-minded dedication to a cause in order to get where you want to be.
Thomas Edison felt qualified to speak about success and failure because he saw quite a bit of both during his lifetime. He experimented relentlessly and many of his attempts turned out to be duds. He was not able to become dejected each time something didn't work out for the simple reason that was always happening. Edison eventually triumphed – mainly for the reason that he never lost faith in himself and he never gave up. Sometimes sticking with it is all that's needed to reach the milestones that lead to ultimate triumph.
Booker Taliaferro Washington overcame being born into slavery in order to become a national political figure. To him, it was the struggle that defined a person's character – as outlined in this quote. Most modern people will never face the types of challenges that Washington saw, but day to day struggles are still challenging. Forget wishing for your life to be easier. Instead be grateful you have the strength to fight on. Eventually that will get you right where you need to be.
Kevin Spacey has experienced a huge amount of success in his illustrious career. Here he points out something that should be kept in mind. Success can never be taken for granted. When you quit striving you may experience an abrupt fall. Even when you reach the summit you may find there's a higher peak to scale!
Lupe Fiasco has a simple take on success with this quote. To him, success is achieved when he's happy. People who are driven sometimes forget that success is a means to an end. They confuse high incomes and great social status with true happiness. Without true contentment can anyone ever truly be successful? Never forget to strive for happiness the same way you do for success.
David Brinkley points out the importance of having thick skin. You can't get anywhere in this world without dealing with criticism and obstacles. The more success you have, the more opposition you will face from others. In order to really get ahead it's important to ignore the negativity and continue on your path. Success can come for anyone who is willing to persist despite obstacles. You will face your share. In the end, though, it will all be worth it when you get what you want.
Thanks for stopping by and reading and good luck with whatever you do!
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