Quality Tools for Teachers

Quality Tools for Teachers

Quality Tools for Teachers

You can use quality tools in your classroom to:

  • Collect and analyze data.
  • Document your current processes.
  • Identify the root causes of problems.
  • Implement changes.
  • Coordinate action steps for improvement.
  • Keep track of results.

Here are some of the most popular quality tools and "how to" tutorials to walk you through your first uses of them in a school setting. You can use them yourself and teach your students to use them as well.*

Brainstorming (PDF, 40 KB)

Affinity Diagram (PDF, 32 KB)

Nominal Group Technique (PDF, 33KB)

Lotus Diagram (PDF, 39 KB)

Radar Chart (PDF, 42 KB)

Run Chart (PDF, 42 KB)

Cause and Effect Diagram (PDF, 40 KB)

Relations Diagram (PDF, 42 KB)

Pareto Diagram (PDF, 36 KB)

Flowchart (PDF, 32 KB)

Check Sheet (PDF, 33 KB)

Force Field Analysis (PDF, 42 KB)

How These Tools Can Help

Using these quality tools as part of the continuing improvement process will help teachers and students to gain and sustain results.

You can use these tools as part of a "plan-do-study-act" process (PDSA), first created by W. Edwards Deming, one of the leaders of the quality movement.

  • Plan: Assess where you are and where you want to be, identify strengths and barriers to improvement, and decide what you need to change.
  • Do: Implement changes on a small scale or trial basis.
  • Study: Using data, identify if your changes made a difference.
  • Act: Set the process in motion and continuously assess results.

More resources for you and your students:

*Worksheet downloads are taken with permission from Jay Marino and Ann Haggerty Raines's Quality Across the Curriculum: Integrating Quality Tools and PDSA with Standards, ASQ Quality Press, 2004.

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