Four ways to motivate underperformers
When someone is underperforming, consider the possibility it's not lack of will but issues of confidence or competence. Executive Karin Hurt says the truth is the percentage of employees who "just don't care" is very low in most organizations. Underperformers may need a challenge, encouragement, coaching, or teaching. Let's Grow Leaders
Unsure when to delegate? Try this rule
Consultant Jim Schleckser tells his CEO clients to delegate when the person who would be given the task can do it at least 70 per cent as well as the boss. If a higher standard is required, he should keep the task or transfer with extensive support and training.
Ditch the comfy chairs and get more done
To prevent interruptions, productivity blogger Mark Shead recommends getting rid of the extra chairs in your office so people can't get too comfy and stay for a long period of time. Keep a fold-up chair in a closet or behind your desk for when absolutely needed. Productivity 501
Comedy club charges by the guffaw
Here's a novel pricing strategy: A comedy theatre company in Barcelona experimented with using tablets and facial recognition software to determine whether patrons laughed, and charged accordingly – .30 euros per smile or laugh, to a maximum of 24 euros.
Digitize your meeting Post-it Notes
Post-it Plus, a new iPhone and iPad app, can snap a photo of up to 50 Post-it Notes placed on a wall during brainstorming and then digitize them for easy organization.
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