Use Plans to Focus Yourself, Not Test Yourself
Planning out your week can help you navigate life gracefully — but overplanning your day-to-day tasks can make you neurotic and stressed. The best way to reap the benefits of daily and weekly planning is to take a more relaxed approach, and to understand the role spontaneity should play in your plans. Here's how:
- Be intentional but flexible. Decide in advance where you want to end up, but accept that your route may change along the way.
- Redefine a 100% score. For most people, a great day is when they accomplish 60–70% of their goals. Think about a "perfect" day as one where you made the best choices possible, not one where you finished everything.
- Don't think of your plans as a test. If your self-worth depends on how accurately you implement your plans, you're on shaky ground. Life is meant to be lived, not just "done."
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