Three Modern Ways To Recruit, Hire & Engage Top Talent
Hiring and employing unfit talent often drives undesirable hardship on a company's books and turnover rate, leaving operations and culture to suffer the consequences. Employers and management personnel must continually calculate whether retaining and re-engaging unproductive staff members is more beneficial than finding, hiring and training new employees.
If you're planning on adding a new member to your team, the average cost-per-hire is $4,129, according to a 2016 Society for Human Resource Management survey. Correspondingly, it takes an average of 42 days to fill a job opening.
But when it comes to employment, we must take into consideration the productivity benefits. Businesses flourish when their staff is motivated, supported and producing. And according to Harvard Business Review, "The best companies get a 29% boost in productivity from their talent." Their research specified that energetic employees who were also considered inspired were twice as productive as satisfied employees and 50% more productive than those who were found to be engaged employees. It's these merely engaged and satisfied employees who drive either a high turnover or low productivity rate.
Are these unproductive employees disengaged or burned out? Forbes recently published an article citing information released by Kronos Incorporated that states, "95% of HR leaders say that employee burnout is sabotaging their workforce." The perpetual cycle of finding, hiring and engaging talent is taxing.
In my work at a professional recruitment firm, I've learned best practices for finding and retaining talent, from the recruiting stage to engaging current employees. Despite the taxing nature of this cycle, discovering top-tier talent that will surpass the highest of company standards is never unattainable.
Recruiting Talent
Most businesses that pay top dollar for top talent prefer to work with employment agencies primarily to save time and to maximize resources. And though some companies choose to utilize traditional job boards, there's a more cost-efficient alternative that is often overlooked: social media. Post your job openings on your commercial social media accounts and pin them to the top of the page. Briefly describe the job opening and reference the most important points (title, location, salary estimate and deal-breaker requirements). Don't forget to add a strong CTA. But don't give all the information that the position entails up front; applicants will be intrigued and more inclined to act.
Businesses that struggle to implement social media into their recruiting strategies generally lack a strong media presence online. Unprofessional or ill-managed commercial social media accounts will negatively affect recruitment efforts. You should properly manage your commercial social media accounts by creating content and maintaining conversations to promote your brand.
When it comes to finding talent, if your budget doesn't allow for partnering with a staffing agency, try social recruiting. Social media platforms enable us to easily connect with others while providing a glimpse of who job seekers are, which will ultimately help you find what you're looking for.
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