The World's Most Influential Business Thinkers 2017
Former dean of the University of Toronto's Rotman School of Management Roger Martin has been named the most influential business thinker by Thinkers50.
Roger Martin, a strategic advisor and former dean of the University of Toronto's Rotman School of Management, has been named the world's leading business thinker by Thinkers50, a London-based consulting firm. Thinkers50 was founded by business consultants and authors Stuart Cranier and Des Dearlove — they started the Thinkers50 ranking in 2001. Since then, they've published it every two years.
Thinkers50 calls Roger Martin a "design-thinking expert." Martin's tenth book, released this fall, is "Creating Great Choices: A Leader's Guide to Integrative Thinking." It argues that, when we face a difficult decision and unacceptable options, we don't have to simply choose among the obviously available options and tradeoffs. "We can use the models in front of us to create a new and superior answer," reads the book's description. Martin has also spearheaded a re-evaluation of capitalism in light of widening inequality, and he has explored what it means to be a "socially effective executive," according to a Thinkers50 press release.
Don Tapscott, a blockchain expert and author of 15 business books, takes second place. He's cofounder and chairman of the Blockchain Research Institute, a Toronto-based think tank that consults businesses and governments on how to make the most of blockchain technology. He co-wrote his latest book, "Blockchain Revolution," with his son Alex.
Harvard Business School professor Clayton Christensen is the third-most influential thinker. His 1997 book, "The Innovator's Dilemma," focuses on disruptive innovation and how industry incumbents are often overtaken by startups that aren't beholden to a large customer base. In his latest work, "Competing Against Luck," he and his co-authors explain that success in innovation depends not just on understanding customers, but on understanding their "jobs to be done." In other words, companies should focus on why their customers "hire" their product or service.
Chan Kim & Renee Mauborgne rank fourth. The two INSEAD strategy professors are best-known for their 2004 book, "Blue Ocean Strategy." Based on a study of 150 business cases, the authors say that long-term success "comes not from battling competitors but from creating 'blue oceans'―untapped new market spaces ripe for growth." Their new work, "Blue Ocean Shift: Beyond Competing," came out in September.
Wharton professor Adam Grant makes the list as the eighth-most influential thinker. His first book, "Give and Take," explains how being a giver leads to career success. In "Originals," Grant explores how people can be more creative and convince others to accept their novel ideas. More recently, he co-wrote "Option B" with Sheryl Sandberg, focusing on facing adversity and building resilience.
Columbia Business School professor Rita McGrath takes tenth place. Her 2005 book "MarketBusters" expounds five key strategies to drive growth, such as "change the customer's total experience" and "redefine your business and associated key metrics." More recently, she wrote "The End of Competitive Advantage," in which she argues that companies must go beyond traditional competitive strategy and "forge a new path to winning: capturing opportunities fast, exploiting them decisively, and moving on even before they are exhausted."
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