14 Stephen King quotes about writing you totally need to hang on your wall
The first Stephen King book I ever read was The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon. I was still in my teens, and my gran — a huge King fan herself — thought it was the one I'd have the best chance of reading without getting too scared.
She was wrong about that (I scare pretty easily), but she was right to introduce me to King. He's been my favourite author ever since.
It's not just his stories that keep me coming back, either. He's also a brilliant writer. From his gloriously grisly descriptions to his on point dialogue and character portrayals, I've always thought the horror master doesn't get anywhere near enough credit as he should for his impressive command of language.
Well, the good news is King has never been shy about talking about the writing process. In his excellent book On Writing, in interviews and in the forewords that accompany his books, he regularly offers insights and advice into the way he works.
Here are some of his quotes about writing that have stuck in my mind over the years...
1. On his early days as a writer.
2. On rejection.
3. On his writing setup.
4. This crucial piece of advice.
5. On his method for sifting through ideas.
6. On the importance of getting rid of pretensions.
7. On his daily working routine.
8. This very clear rule.
9. On the place ideas come from.
10. On the need to not be too rigid when it comes to planning.