The Top 10 Reasons Why Your CEO Sabotages Innovation

June 05, 2009
The Top 10 Reasons Why Your CEO Sabotages Innovation

There's a huge gap between CEOs saying they want their companies to innovate and actually acting in a way consistent with what they say.

This lack of congruence drives internal change agents crazy, catatonic, or out the door.

At the very least, it makes them cranky and unwilling to "go the extra yard" required to turn their inspired ideas into reality.

And so, as a public service to all of you out there whose CEOs are not walking the talk, here's our TOP TEN reasons why not.

After nodding your head and chuckling to yourself, choose one or two, align with some fellow change agents, and kick start the process of doing something about it.

"If not you, who? If not now, when?"

10. Innovation sparks dissonance and discomfort.
9. Innovation increases the amount of seeming failures.
8. Results only show up long-term.
7. More meetings.
6. CEOs conserve resources. Innovation requires more resources.
5. Innovation flies in the face of analysis.
6. CEOs assume the Board will not be impressed.
5. Imbalance of right-brain and left-brain thinking.
4. The perceived absence of time.
3. Over-reliance on cost-cutting and incremental improvement.
2. Inability to enroll a committed team of champions.
1. Insufficient conviction that innovation will make a difference.

PS: This list is only a conversation starter, folks. Speak up! Pitch in! Tell me your top ten reasons and I will publish version 2.0 next month.

Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at June 5, 2009 11:47 PM
