Keeping Customers Happy



IndustryWeek Best Plants winners and finalists are consistent in driving down quality issues before they leave the manufacturing plant. Over the past five years of winners and finalists, the average three-year change in the customer reject rate is a 27.3% reduction.

Three-year reduction in customer reject rate (%):
Year Median Average Minimum Maximum
2008 47.0 34.1 62% increase 95.6
2009 43.9 30.1 233% increase 97.0
2010 24.0 21.4 156% increase 100.0
2011 33.0 34.0 2% increase 100.0
2012 15.3 12.2 100% increase 64.3
2008-2012 34.2 27.3 233% increase 100.0

Source: 2012 IW Best Plants Statistical Profile
