10 Habits of Successful People Who Follow Their Dreams

10 Habits of Successful People Who Follow Their Dreams

10 Habits of Successful People Who Follow Their Dreams. #8 Is Essential!

There are a few common habits of highly successful people who have turned their dreams into reality. You, too, have the opportunity to do the same!

Those who are true to their purpose and are experiencing success didn't always get there because they had the financial means to do so or were raised in a confidence-boosting environment. In fact, most who have persevered and made their dreams a reality had some form of hurtle to surpass. However, they did just that by adopting a few common habits that have helped most successful people get to where they are today.

The best thing is that all people have the opportunity to adopt the same habits and turn their dreams into reality!

Credit: MindBodyGreen

Credit: MindBodyGreen

1. They perceive challenges as opportunities.

When faced with an obstacle, those who succeed don't turn around and run the other way. They instead stay true to their purpose and decide to own the capacity to see fear as a sign of that they really need to go for, and in effect put all their courage and energy into it.

2. They view life as a game.

Win or lose – it's all the same. Having this perception allows open space for playfulness and creativity instead of limiting beliefs. This type of mindset also cultivates qualities of resilience, problem solving, and confidence that all help game-changers to take risks so they may leap to the next high place.

3. Living the life they want is the only option.

Those who succeed and manifest their dreams banish any possibility of a "Plan B" from their mind. They don't think thoughts like, "If I fail, I'll just go get a job."

They view their objective as a goal that needs to be reached, and will persist until it's achieved.

4. They always speak their truth.

One of the habits of highly successful people is that they speak their truth and make a conscious effort to convey their truest desires. Honoring their inner voice and their spirituality without fear or judgment, they hold true to what is best for them and – while still kind – never back down or let such belief be pushed from their mind.

Such connection is typically fostered through meditation, journalism, being mentored, and being surrounded by like-minded people.

5. While they may dream, they ACT on their desires.

It's easy to get stuck in fanciful daydreams, but those who make change in their lives have the ability to snap into action and do whatever it takes to turn their creative imagination into reality. Whether it's quitting a job, getting out of a relationship that is toxic, or investing in themselves and moving to a new location, they have the courage to do it.

Those who succeed do this by honoring, and then acting upon, their intuition.

6. They realize and expect that they deserve the best.

Inner confidence fuels the 'knowing' that what they want is going to happen, and in result they feel they deserve to earn well, do what they love, and serve others using their gifts. The secret of such success is that they still expect great things, even if they do not know how such dreams will come about. They just trust.

7. They have let go of fear and guilt when asking for what they want.

Those who are incredibly connected to their passions aren't afraid to ask for what they want. In fact, they understand their success depends upon others, so asking for what they need or want is a necessity. Having set their boundaries, they express their needs without fear, guilt, or shame.

Another perk of this habit is that it earns respect from others.

8. They create and live by their own rules.

Successful entrepreneurs are game-changers. Even though they may not fit within society's perception of 'normal', they follow their dreams and succeed by making decisions based on what they want to have, instead of what they think they can have. Such mindset gives them the freedom to design their destiny.

9. They've learned to find comfort in the uncomfortable.

They do not worry about not having all the answers, trying to make things perfect, or gaining control in quest to find comfort. They instead are aware that they will not see the next step until they make the decision to move forward despite the discomfort.

10. They learn from teachers, mentors, and role models.

Having teachers increases their awareness and allows them to clearly understand that each time they're getting ready to pursue their dreams, all their limitations are going to come up to the surface. At such a time, having a role model can help them 'identify' when they're stuck and 'let go' so that beneficial change can result.

This list shares ten habits of successful people who follow their dreams. You are one of them – now it's time to believe it and act upon this realization!


MindBodyGreen, Raquel Vasallo

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