We All Need Ideas

We All Need Ideas : Sources of Insight

We All Need Ideas


I was watching a replay of Jim Rohn deliver an inspiring workshop on how to Live Your Best Life Ever.

He promised the audience two things:

Ideas + Inspiration

I especially liked how he articulated the value of ideas:

"Ideas, business ideas, and social ideas, and personal ideas, we all need ideas …

How to have a good day ideas, how to have a good year ideas, how to have your best year ever ideas, good health ideas, personal relationship ideas, how to deal with your family ideas, sales management ideas, financial freedom for the future ideas, we all need good ideas."

Rohn followed up by explaining how just one more idea might help us unlock the combination lock to whatever is holding us back from our best life:

"Ideas can be life-changing.  And sometimes all you need is just one more in a series of good ideas.

It's like dialing the numbers into the lock.  You've got 5 or 6 numbers dialed into the lock, the lock still won't come open, but you don't' need 5 or 6 more, you just need one more.

And a seminar like this can do it, a sermon can do it, the lyrics from a song could do it, a dialogue from a movie could do it, a conversation with a friend, might do it.  That one last piece you need, that number, dial it into the lock, that's it, the lock comes open, and there's the door for you to walk through, and maybe this seminar today could furnish that for you, give you one more idea.

All you need is just a few more thoughts, ideas to furnish you some ways and means to turn your life into the dream you want it to be."

Ideas are powerful stuff.

It's just a little reminder that if you haven't found your breakthrough yet, you might just need one more little idea.

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