8 qualities of fabulous bosses

Terrific article: 8 qualities of fabulous bosses - Holy Kaw! - Holy Kaw!

Terrific article: 8 qualities of fabulous bosses

Fabulous bosses-2

I *love* this article by Jeff Haden. I totally agree with him when he notes: I remember all my bosses. I've had many I'd rate as inferior, some were downright hellish and some were classic Peter Principle bosses (rise to the level of their own incompetence) and like the author I had one who was particularly game-changing and she fits all the criteria in his post. I often wonder what would have happened if she'd been my first boss, how my career may have had a different trajectory.

This is such a worthwhile article, and actually should be mandatory reading. Not that these qualities can be learned…. I think they are innate.

Here are a few characteristics of a good boss, to give you an idea. Haden writes:

They wear their emotions on their sleeves.

Good bosses are professional.

Memorable bosses are highly professional and yet also openly human. They show sincere excitement when things go well. They show sincere appreciation for hard work and extra effort. They show sincere disappointment — not in others, but in themselves. They celebrate, they empathize, they worry. Sometimes they even get frustrated or angry.

In short, they're human. And, unlike many bosses, they act as if they know it.

Professionalism is admirable. Professionalism — with a healthy blend of humanity — is inspiring.

And how about this? This one really resonates. In fact I can recall having conversations with my boss about this exact thing:

They protect others from the bus.

Terrible bosses throw their employees under the bus.

Good bosses never throw their employees under the bus.

Memorable bosses see the bus coming and pull their employees out of the way often without the employee knowing until much, much later… if ever, because memorable bosses never try to take credit.

And if they can't, they take the hit. (And later speak privately to the employee in question.)

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