How To Build A Successful Team

How To Build A Successful Team

How To Build A Successful Team

How To Build A Successful Team image shutterstock 150235106 300x201.jpgTeam building is a difficult task. In order to build a great team, you need to understand other people, their strengths and weaknesses, and figure out which tasks they like to work on.

If you are a manager, you should also keep in mind that you are responsible from the success of your team. This means that the success of individuals working in your team equals to your success. Therefore, you should show great leadership. You should manage not only their demands for attention and acknowledgment but also make them work towards a common goal. As a result, you should learn how to place the right people to the right positions at the right time in order to sustain the success of the company.

Below you can find some useful tips for building a success team:

1) Get To Know Each Person Very Well: You should invest your time to understand each person in your team very well so that you can bring the best out of them. For example, someone might be a very good writer but s/he may not be a good presenter. Remember that every individual is different and it is your responsibility to motivate them and make them surpass beyond expectations.

2) Make Sure Everybody Understands Their Roles: Take the time to meet with each individual on your team and discuss their role within the team. Outline their roles and responsibilities and explain your expectations from them. Then, make a career map together so they can see what they need in order to climb to the next level. Also, don't forget to share the overall objective of the team. It is important that everybody understands the purpose of the team and their roles clearly so they can contribute their best.

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3) Don't Be A Micromanager: Trust your team to get the job done. Guide them but don't micromanage them. Always be available to provide supervision but let them do their job. Also, give them constant feedback. Make regular status meetings with each team member. Don't wait until a problem occurs to meet with them. Acknowledge and reward the team members who possess a great performance.

4) Encourage Effective And Transparent Communication: Invite your team members to discuss issues and encourage everybody's participation to the discussion. Also, keep everyone in the loop when emailing so they can follow what is going on within the team and no one feels neglected. If there are people who cannot get along, bring them together and help them work through their problems. They don't need to like each other but they need to understand and respect each other to be able to work together.

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