Key To Great Leadership? Be A Gardener, Not A Mechanic

Key To Great Leadership? Be A Gardener, Not A Mechanic - Forbes

Key To Great Leadership? Be A Gardener, Not A Mechanic

A first tendency of many business people is to fix things. After all, they're paid to solve problems, so the metaphor of the mechanic seems natural.

Unfortunately, some leaders then try to "fix" people.

How many of us want to be fixed? Not many. We may be open to persuasion or influence, but we don't want to be "fixed."

Rather than adopt the role of mechanic, great leaders adopt the role of gardener.

What does a gardener do?

A gardener creates an environment that encourages growth. An environment full of light and nourishment. An environment with sufficient space for stretching and expanding.

Leadership—and gardening –are all about creating positive change.


Great leaders—and great gardeners –resist the temptation to micromanage. They know that flowers cannot grow if you keep jerking them out of the ground to check the roots. 

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