6 Reasons Your Training Program Isn’t Working

6 Reasons Your Training Program Isn't Working | Career

6 Reasons Your Training Program Isn't Working

It was late. It was just Joanne, the HR Director; Juan dusting the doors; and I left in the building. The only sounds were the swishing of the sprinklers hitting against the high glass windows. Joanne looked up at me from behind her desk with that exhausted, weary grin that comes from realizing that the work ahead is more complicated than you thought.

"There's a reason you told me that story last week about that CEO you're working with, isn't there?"

I nodded.

JoAnne continued, "Just like that scene, this is bigger than a training issue isn't it?"

"Yes," I smiled, a little embarrassed to be called out for my seed planting. "I had a feeling it would be, but there was no way to know until we talked with the team. Thank you for staying so late with me tonight to dig deeper. Now we can clear the decks of a few things and ensure the support structure is in place so the training will work."

Most of the time, when a "We need training, right now!" call comes in, it's not about the training. Sure, training can help, but not in a vacuum. Often, there are bigger issues at play.

6 Reasons Your Training Program Isn't Working

If your training need feels urgent, your training program isn't working, or, if your team is reluctant to attend, dig deeper. Here are six issues that so often get in the way00that with a little up front work, can change the trajectory of results.

  1. Poor Leadership Behaviors at the Top
    Yes, in Winning Well we teach and encourage the skills and behaviors to create a cultural oasis.  In fact I receive calls every week from managers reading Winning Well who are doing just that. AND, if you're the guy hiring us to train Winning Well,  please know we're going to be very interested in your willingness to read the book and model the behaviors you're hiring us to reinforce.
  2. Unclear Expectations
    If people are unsure of what to do or why they are doing it, training to do "it" better just won't work.
  3. Lack of Support Systems
    For example: If you want people giving great behavior-based feedback, please be sure your performance systems focus on behaviors. So many more…let's talk.
  4. Dipping
    We sat in front of an HR exec the other day who was crystal clear, "All the field wants is a one day training they can attend. No pre-work. No follow-up. No-reinforcement. No action plans." That's dipping not training, and won't create s

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