How Innovation Results Into Customer Loyalty

How Innovation Results Into Customer Loyalty

How Innovation Results Into Customer Loyalty

A Senior Human Resources Professional with 20 years of global experience, Manish Rishi has helped shape high performing diversified cultures in industries like Technology (IT/ITES), Hospitality, Telecom (Hughes & MTS) & Supply Chain Management (Ingram Micro) with progressive resources so as to enable engagements along with rightful HR interventions towards robust development of programs that directly impacted in business vis-a-vis revenue growth.

Reaching Customer's Delight

Experience in hospitality industry is customer's delight. It gives immense pleasure to a restaurateur whenever a customer says 'Wow' at visiting their restaurant. Our core focus is to make customer happy by constantly innovating our services. That is what experience talks all about. It starts right from receiving the customer from the door of the restaurant till his visitagain. The entire journey has to be outstanding to maintain that upper hand in the industry.

Blending Innovation with Experience

Innovation is something which comes directly from the heart while rendering services. It is not anything directed but feeling the essence of 'Atithi Devo Bhava' while hosting the customer makes the difference. A tinge of innovation with experience satisfies the customer and that should be the foremost priority for any restaurateur to run a restaurant business.

Creating Culture

This kind of culture sets from the top as it is a top down approach. It totally depends upon an employer that what kind of culture is he/ she wants to create at their place. Employees are the vital part of any organization. Employer sets the foundation and then the team of employees take it further to make it reach to the heights. If there's no difference between treating a customer and an employee; then the employee will definitely be ready to cross any barricade for the organization.

The Consistency

Consistency is a big question when it comes to business. Setting up a restaurant and then maintaining it are way different things. Restaurateur needs to put constant efforts in serving the customer with the best of food plus services to gain that loyalty which is not easily achievable. That is the encounter service which a customer always wants. 

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