10 Shocking Workplace Stats You Need To Know

10 Shocking Workplace Stats You Need To Know

10 Shocking Workplace Stats You Need To Know

Credit: Shutterstock

It's not a mystery that employee engagement continues to sink. The Gallup organization reminds us every couple of years that nearly 70 percent of employees are actively disengaged. It's also not a mystery that generational differences, and the shift of leadership, continues to elicit headlines—revealing to all of us in the corporate world that the only thing we can truly count on is change.

But these aren't the only numbers that should make us think. Research is consistently giving us insights into the realities of today's working world. And because our heads are buried in research each and every day, we thought it would be fun and enlightening to give you some of the statistics we thought were most provocative and interesting.

  1. A recent study by CareerBuilder.com shows that a whopping 58 percent of managers said they didn't receive any management training. Digest that for a second. Most managers in the workforce were promoted because they were good at what they did, and not necessarily good at making the people around them better. This statistic obviously unveils a harsh reality. We have a bunch of leaders who aren't trained on how to lead.
  2. Leigh Branham, author of The 7 Hidden Reasons Employees Leave revealed that 89 percent of bosses believe employees quit because they want more money. As much as any boss would love this statistic to be true (because it basically pardons any manager from wrong-doing) it's simply not true. Only 12 percent of employees actually leave an organization for more money.
  3. Loverboy's Working for the Weekend is still ranked #100 on VH1′s 100 Greatest Songs of the 80′s. Although this is just a fun fact, it may reveal something bigger—that there's a connection to the lyrics and sentiment of the song that tells us how many employees just want to get away from work.
  4. A Harvard Business Review survey reveals 58 percent or people say they trust strangers more than their own boss. This is truly shocking. We live in a world where cultural trust is at an all time low, but also, in certain areas, at ground-breaking Never before would we ask a stranger to drive our kids around town until Uber and Lyft arrived. However, distrust of leadership should be worrisome to all of us who have jobs.
  5. Global studies reveal that 79 percent of people who quit their jobs cite 'lack of appreciation' as their reason for leaving. As two guys steeped in research about the power and impact of employee appreciation, this isn't a shocker to us, but it is to many of the companies we consult. People don't leave companies. They leave bosses.
  6. American workers forfeited nearly 50 percent of their paid vacation in 2017. And, nearly 10 percent take no vacation days at all. According to a study by Glassdoor, the fear of falling behind is the number one reason people aren't using their vacation time.
  7. Career Builder released a study that revealed two out of every five employees suggest they've gained weight at their current job. The shocking part isn't the weight gain as much as the fact over a quarter of these employees had access to employer-sponsored wellness benefits, but 63 percent of those employees didn't take advantage of them.
  8. People still fall in love at work. A study by Glassdoor suggests that men and women are almost equal when it comes to finding love in the workplace. Women find love a little more frequently than men, however. 52 percent reported finding love at work, compared to only 48 percent.
  9. The Conference Board reports that 53 percent of Americans are currently unhappy at work. Consider that for a second. Half of the workforce is unhappy. That is sad. Not to be snarky, but maybe taking a vacation (the statistics are hauntingly similar) might be a good starting place.
  10. Recognition is the number one thing employees say their manager could give them to inspire them to produce great work. Global studies prove that when it comes to inspiring people to be their best at work, nothing else comes close—not even higher pay, promotion, autonomy or training.

While all of these statistics are fascinating to think about, just pondering their meaning won't achieve much. As leaders, it's our responsibility to take action, look for ways to promote change, and, if we have to, build practices, policies, and procedures that inspire change. That is our job. We're responsible to inspire the best in people.

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